Sunday, 6 November 2011

#10 Proof Music

       "It's so nice here, I can't believe it, let's have another!"
They laughed and called the other two over. 
        "Want more?"
Chucko lined up the little glasses in a neat row and poured out four perfectly measured shots.  "Chin chin!"
All expertly downed in one.
       "Woah, brain freeze!"
       "You okay Alice?  It's good isn't it?"
        "Amazing, yeah, another?"
         "One more then – oh, careful mate!"

The bottle had crashed to the ground splintering glass over the tiles.  Across the bar, heads were shaking at the way people couldn't control themselves, knocking back the drinks until they started knocking them off the counters. With a jolt, Alice remembered she was supposed to be in the middle of serving; Jane and Dave were still standing there waiting!

       "Shorry about thish, but I've eh forgotten again, whaddahya wan again?" She breathed her words through sozzled slurs that smelt of 50% proof. 

Jane whispered to Dave "I'm sick of this, I'm leaving the country!" 
 "I said two tap waters, no ice.  A pint of coke, two orange juices one with ice, one with orange slices no ice, one glass of cranberry with sparking water," Dave told Alice in a loud, unsmiling voice.

Alice squealed and jumped.  Chucko had crept up behind and squeezed the flesh above her ample hips getting her ticklish bits, skipping off before she could retaliate.  She tried to resume her composure and zigzagged her way over to the fridges to collect the drinks, but she emitted a loud snorty snigger as soon as her back was turned to the punters.  What did they want again?  Oh no, the giggles were back…